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Deddington Church of England

Primary School

Inspire, Believe, Achieve

Term Dates

Term Dates 2024 - 25


Term 1                                         4th September 2024 - 24th October 2024


October half term                        25th October 2024 - 3rd November 2024


Term 2                                        4th November 2024 - 20th December 2024


Christmas holiday                       23rd December 2024 - 6th January 2025


Term 3                                        7th January 2025 - 14th February 2025


Spring half term                          17th February 2025 - 21st February 2025


Term 4                                         24th February 2025 - 4th April 2025


Easter holiday                             7th April 2025 - 21st April 2025


Term 5                                         22nd April 2025 - 23rd May 2025


Late spring half term                   26th May 2025 - 2nd June 2025


Term 6                                         3rd June 2025 - 22nd July 2025


Inset days – School will be closed for staff training on the following days:

2nd & 3rd September 2024    25th October 2024       6th January 2025   2nd June 2025
