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Deddington Church of England

Primary School

Inspire, Believe, Achieve


At Deddington Primary School, we follow the Agreed Oxfordshire RE Syllabus. Over their time in school, children will have the opportunity to think and reflect upon the Big Questions linked to the faiths of Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, as well as the beliefs of others, such as Humanism and B'Hai. By the end of Year 6, children will have chance to compare these faiths and beliefs, as well as reflect upon their own opinions and beliefs. Through the sequence of lessons, questions and key vocabulary ,we aim to build on their knowledge and understanding of the the differing cultures and beliefs across our local and global communities. Coming out of lockdown, we look forward to our  RE curriculum again being enhanced by visits to places of Worship (Church, Mandir, Synagogue, Mosque), visits from people of other faiths and regular connections with our local church. To enhance the teaching of Christianity, we also use the Understanding Christianity scheme of work. Understanding Christianity delivers progression of knowledge and understanding through exploring core Christian concepts of the 'Big Story' of the Bible. We are looking forward to the opportunity to gather together as a school to rediscover the 'Big Story'.




RE LTP 2024 2025

RE 3iiis Statement
