Our SEND Offer and Reports
SEND Policy
Information regarding provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs. SEND Report.
The 'Special Education Needs & Disbilities' section on our website has been developed to inform you about our school's provision and what it means you and your child.
If you have any questions regarding Special Needs or Disabilities please contact Kerry Simpson or Denise Welch on 01869 338430 or email senco@deddington.oxon.sch.uk.
Your SENCO is Kerry Simpson. You can contact Kerry via the school's main telephone number; 01869 338430 or email address.
SEND Governor Claire Filippini. You can contact her via the Clerk to the Governors using the Governor contact page.
Oxfordshire County Council Website details the Local Offer and signposts lots of useful support for parents
Oxfordshire SEND local offer | Oxfordshire County Council
The Parent Partnership
Email - parentpartnership@oxfordshire.gov.uk or www.parentpartnership.org.uk
There are lots of national and local groups if your child has a diagnosis or a disability:
Autism - www.autism.org.uk
Parents Talking Asperger's- www.parents-talking-aspergers.co.uk
Downs Syndrome - www.downs-syndrome.org.uk
The Dyslexia Association - www.bdadyslexia.org.uk
Dyslexia Action - www.dyslexiaaction.org.uk