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Deddington Church of England

Primary School

Inspire, Believe, Achieve

Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact




Curriculum statement.



Our vision.

Through inspirational teaching, all our children have the confidence to achieve success in a safe and healthy school with Christian values at its core.

At Deddington Primary School, we want our pupils to achieve the highest standards possible through a coordinated and sequenced scheme of high-quality learning experiences. We aim to foster life-long learning behaviours through: independence, resilience, choice, collaboration and personal discovery. We want our pupils to be fully prepared and equipped for the next stages of their education and for life in modern Britain.



We implement our vision and curriculum intent in the following ways:

  • Deeply embedded vision, values and our 6 principles of success.
  • A supportive and nurturing environment encouraging pupil achievement.
  • A broad and balanced curriculum covering all subjects.
  • Strong, supportive but ambitious and determined senior leadership, including governance.
  • Strong leadership for each subject area within the curriculum.
  • Clear progressive skills forming the foundation of the delivery and assessment of each subject.
  • Pupils reflect upon their personal development using a framework of progressive non-academic skills and behaviours.
  • All pupils are encouraged to discover, explore and develop their own personal skills, talents and interests through a wide range of learning opportunities. Everyone has their own skills and talents to recognise and nurture.
  • The teaching of phonics and reading is a high priority throughout the school.
  • High quality teaching through passion, praise, subject knowledge and enthusiasm.
  • A commitment to constantly improving our practice.
  • Building Learning Power approaches develop independence, resilience and pupil involvement, engagement and deeper thinking.
  • Deeper questioning within teaching approaches.
  • High quality and appropriate resources to support teaching and learning.
  • High quality teaching and provision for the safe use of technology to support learning.
  • Specialist teaching in Music and Modern Foreign Language.
  • Using cross curricular links and opportunities to ensure pupils can transfer and apply the skills they develop.
  • Outstanding pastoral support to nurture and develop pupils.
  • High quality PSHE teaching and personal development opportunities.
  • An outstanding offer of after school clubs, school trips and visitors to enrich the curriculum.
  • High participation rates in partnership and community activities.
  • Pupil and parent voice is encouraged, respected and informs the constantly improving provision.
  • High quality play opportunities are provided to promote and encourage active life styles and the development of inter personal skills.




  • Pupils are happy at school and feel safe, nurtured and cared for. They are proud of the school and demonstrate the ‘Deddington Way’ in everything they do and achieve.
  • Staff are proud of our school and all that we achieve together as a team.
  • Pupil outcomes at the end of Foundation Stage, within the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check, at the end of Key Stage 1 and within Key Stage 2 SATS are consistently above the national average.
  • Achievement in all subject areas is at least good and is constantly improving.
  • Observations of learning indicate pupils consistently demonstrate impeccable behaviour and learning attitudes.
  • Rates of participation in after school clubs, sporting events and other extra-curricular activities are strong and increasing.
  • Achievement and success within sporting, artistic, musical, and drama opportunities is high.
  • Pupils and staff use our deeply embedded school values and vision to reflect upon their own achievements and development.
  • Visitors and prospective parents consistently comment on the lovely atmosphere, ethos and environment the school team have created.

