Preparing for a new class
SEND resources to support your child's understanding of COVID19 and its impact:
- Covid19 Social Story School is Opening.docx
- Covid19 Social Story Stopping coronavirus whilst in school.docx
- COVID-19-I-Can-Help-1.pdf
- hello-my-name-is-coronavirus.pdf
- How not to catch or spread coronavirus.pdf
- Washing your hands coronavirus.pdf
- What is coronavirus - book.pdf
- why-has-school-changed.._.pdf
- Emerging Minds supporting autistic C&YP webinar slides part 1.pdf
- Emerging Minds supporting autistic C&YP webinar slides part 2.pdf
- Blobtree.pdf
- How are you feeling and ways to cope with anxiety visuals.docx
- Understanding Dysregulation for parents - how to support a highly emotional child.docx