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Deddington Church of England

Primary School

Inspire, Believe, Achieve

The Arts

In Art we have recently adopted the PKC curriculum, it is carefully sequenced, is knowledge rich and has subject vocabulary at its heart. Children are taught about artists and their works throughout history and the importance and significance of their most famous works of art. Children have opportunities to develop their skills in a range of art disciplines each year building on the previous year. We take part in local competitions and initiatives, such as Oxford's Young Artist Competition, we look forward to taking part in these competitions again as restrictions lift. We also take advantage of national initiatives, for example, Take One Picture. In Design technology we have a curriculum which is linked to our PKC History and Geography curriculum, it is sequenced so skills are built on and knowledge is extended as children move through the school. The cross curricular nature of Design Technology results in children increasingly using knowledge gained in history, science, maths, computing, art etc to inform designs and projects. Due to the resources, equipment, space (especially for food focused lessons) and time needed, many Design Technology topics are taught in blocks rather than over a term, children enjoy the opportunity to immerse themselves in the subject, from the planning process to the acquiring of skills to evaluating what they have made.  

Art Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

Design Technology Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement
