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Deddington Church of England

Primary School

Inspire, Believe, Achieve

Early Birds Morning Club

Our 'Early Birds' drop off club provides supervision and activities for the children before the start of the school day. No breakfast will be provided.

The club runs every morning from 7.45 am to 8.40 am, in the school hall. It is supervised by Mrs Dawn Charles and Mrs Keryl Goffe.  Drop off time is between 7.45 am and 8.00 am via the doors into the year 3 and 4 classroom area. The door will be closed at 8.00 am for security reasons.

Sessions will need to be booked and paid for in advance for a term at a time.  Each session will cost £2 per child. However, if you wish to book for the whole week the cost will be £8.00 per child per week.

Space permitting, 'ad hoc' daily sessions are available - you will need to let the office staff know before you wish your child to attend. Daily sessions will be bookable at £2.25 per day.

If your child hasn't attended Early Birds before, please contact the school office either by phone (01869 338430) or email ( so that your child can be added to the Early Birds payment item in ParentPay.  Payment can then be made via ParentPay with the days your child will attend added to the notes section.  Please complete the contact/health information form and return to the school office.
