Collective Worship
At Deddington CE Primary School, our daily act of Collective Worship is an important part of the day when we gather as a school community to reflect, think and pray. It is a time when we think about our School Values and promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our children.
The 1988 Education Reform Act states that Collective Worship should be part of a broad and balanced curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils and society. In line with legal requirements we provide a daily act of Collective Worship for all registered pupils. However, we recognise that parents have legal right to withdraw their children from the Daily Act of Worship; a parent wishing to do so will need to make a written request to the Headteacher.
Collective Worship is led by a range of people during the week. Worship can take place as a whole school, a Key Stages or phase, or as a class. Children play an active part in collective worship through interactive worship, pupil-led worship, as well as though the pupil worship planning and evaluating group. Families are always invited to attend any of our collective worship services in Church as well as our weekly Friday Celebration Assembly where children's achievements are celebrated as a whole school community. As a school we have strong links with St Peter and Paul’s Church in Deddington. Reverend Annie plays an active role in the life of the school; she leads collective worship weekly, as well as supporting our Religious Education teaching and being a School Governor.
Our whole school community visit the church at various times of the year, including Harvest, Christmas, Easter and our end of year Leaver’s Service. We welcome our families and the wider community to these services.
We celebrate our school community. We celebrate the strength that comes from each and every one of us – pupils, teachers, parents, Governors and Church.
We thank God for the joy of family and community. We thank Him for showing His love for us every day. We thank Him for the light that he has given to all of us. We pray that we are able to shine that light brightly in our class, in our school. In our church and beyond. Let us hold dear the friendship and togetherness around us. Let us celebrate the power of Community and God’s love.
Each new member of our school community from new starters in F1 to new children further up the school, members of staff and Governors choose a pebble to put in the jar. Parents are also invited to share in the moment. It represents being a part of our school community. The pebbles, like us, are all unique but put together are something truly wonderful. We sit in a circle with the jar at the centre. The focus point of our worship and celebration of our amazing school family.
Year 6 worship group are responsible for handing out the new pebbles and letting the children and adults place them in the jar.
At the end of Year 6, they take a pebble with them, to remind them of the friends, learning and special times they shared at Deddington Primary School.
Pebble Mass songs 2023

What makes a family song
What ingredients do you need?
Stir it up and see.
How many people does it take
For one family to make?
Count them up and see.
Everybody’s family is different
And different is how they should be.
We are red we are orange and yellow
We are green, blue and indigo
We’re unique, we are all different colours
But together we’re a rainbow.
What makes a family?
Is it something we can see?
Take a look with me.
And what makes a happy home?
Is it knowing we’re not alone?
There is someone here for me.
Everybody’s someone is different
And different is how they should be.
We are red we are orange and yellow
We are green, blue and indigo
We’re unique, we are all different colours
But together we’re a rainbow.
Nobody’s family’s perfect all the time
It takes a little bit of rain and a little bit of sunshine
We are red we are orange and yellow
We are green, blue and indigo
We’re unique, we are all different colours
But together we’re a rainbow.
Within the circle of my family and friends
May I be a source of peace
a hand to hold
A blessing
Within the circle of my acquaintances
May I be a steady rock
a ready shoulder
A blessing
Within the circle of my community
May I be a light that shines
a love that flows
A blessing