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Deddington Church of England

Primary School

Inspire, Believe, Achieve

High Flyers After School Care

Welcome Aboard High Flyers! 


We provide high-quality breakfast, and afterschool clubs at Deddington’s school and have been doing so for nearly 10 years. Our OFSTED-approved childcare provision carefully combines the freedom of unstructured play, with the right mix of planned activities to inspire and stimulate young minds.



If you would like to book your child into any of our breakfast, after school or holiday clubs, you can use our easy and convenient booking system. As a registered provider we accept child care vouchers, you can also pay by bacs or card. We also offer sibling discount of 10%.


To book your child’s place and for more information on what we do please visit our website:



Holiday Clubs

Our themed holiday clubs are a great place for children to come and play in a relaxed atmosphere, where they choose what they want to do. We inspire children by offering lots of activities, from cooking, crafts, and arts whilst they are free to choose what they do. Sometimes we have special visitors, go to the park, or visit the lake, no day is ever the same.  Children always have a great time with their friends. 


Please contact Alison Ighani or Tel; 07766 290242 

For our full prospectus go to our website


This is an exciting place to be after school, where the children will find lots of activities, games and crafts making to can take part in.









Throughout our themed terms we do fun things like painting, cooking, dancing and imaginative play. In fact the children tell us what activities they would like to do and we respond to their requests.








Most of the time children enjoy ‘free play’, this is where they can play freely and embrace their own imagination. That is how a children’s play setting should be.










Find out more about High Flyers from their website:
