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Deddington Church of England

Primary School

Inspire, Believe, Achieve


As required by the Admissions Code, the Governors of Deddington Church of England Primary School initiated a consultation period on the Admissions Policy for 2023-2024 . 


This consultation was to comply with our statutory requirements to consult at least every seven years.  The only changes to the Admissions Policy were those required by the Schools Admissions code introduced in May 2021. There were no substantive changes to either our admissions criteria or catchment area.  


Policies are shown below.  Hard copies may be obtained by contacting the school office.



Deddington Primary School will consider applications for new pupils from families both inside and outside of our catchment area. Admission decisions are based upon the criteria described within our policy. 

The School Governors are the Admissions Authority for the School. The Published Admissions Number for entry to the Reception (F1) year is 30. All other year groups also have 30 places.


F1 children are admitted to the school at the beginning of the September term following their fourth birthday. Parents may defer entry until later in the school year or until the child reaches compulsory school age, i.e. the term after the child's fifth birthday, in which case the school will hold the place for the child.


Applications for places in our F1 class from September are made through Oxfordshire County Council. Admission information and applications for F1 places can be accessed using the link below.


For purposes of our Admissions Policy, Deddington Partnership Foundation Stage Unit (PFSU) is a separate school with separate admissions criteria. Admission to the F2 class of the PFSU is no guarantee of admission to the school under this policy.


If you wish to apply for a school place because you are moving to the area or wish your child to change schools, please contact the school office directly using the contact details below. 


Mrs Williams


01869 338430


All applications for any place in any other year group must be made through the Oxfordshire County Council Admissions team.


Oxfordshire County Council operates a six-term year in all its schools. This does not change the legal definition of a term which continues to be based on the conventional three-term pattern.


The Governors will allocate places considering all applications equally according to the Admissions Criteria in our policy, and advise the Local Authority (LA) of the children that they propose to admit.
