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Deddington Church of England

Primary School

Inspire, Believe, Achieve


Inspire Believe Achieve

Did you know that this is our school motto?

We recently visited what this means to us in our school. We thought about who inspires us, what we are inspired to do.

We thought about what we believe, what we believe we are capable of.

We thought about what we have already achieved and how we are going to achieve our dreams in the future.



 The words are even in our school vision statement. You may have seen this on the bottom of any letter that has come home. Our vision statement is:


“Through inspirational teaching, all our children have the belief to achieve success in a safe and healthy school with Christian values at its core.”


This is something that all of our community is a part of - the children in our care, along with their families.

As a Christian school it is important to recognise these in our everyday teaching and planning. Inspirational people are focussed on across the curriculum, linked to a variety of subjects, such as Science, History and the Arts. Most recently, as a school we have celebrated the life of Martin Luther King Jr.

Also, on the bottom of our letterhead is a bible verse from the book of Matthew:


“You shall know them by their fruits” Matthew 7:16


This has been chosen to sit by the school values and Fruits of the Spirit that the children know so well.

We believe that it matches well with the school’s vision statement and our idea of the ‘Deddington Way’.

It is often commented on by parents, other members of our community and teachers from secondary schools that the children move onto, that they can tell who are the children from Deddington School. The ‘Deddington Way’ shines brightly in the way they present themselves, which is something to be immensely proud of.

Inspire Believe Achieve is a big part of what we do, how we think and what we model to our amazing children. What we see in our children also inspires us to continue to provide opportunity for them to believe in themselves to achieve their goals, whatever they may be.





