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Deddington Church of England

Primary School

Inspire, Believe, Achieve

Inspection Reports

Following our inspection in November 2021, OFSTED recognise that we remain a good school.

The report highlights a number of our many strengths.


"Deddington is a happy place. Pupils play and learn well together, and no one is left out."


"Pupils are proud to be a part of this small community."


"Pupils in the older year groups are excellent role models for their younger peers."


"Pupils trust their adults to help them deal with any worries and concerns they might have."


"The headteacher and other leaders are ambitious for all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)."


"Leaders continually look for ways to improve the experiences pupils have. Parents appreciate this."


"Pupils achieve well. Reading is at the heart of the school."


"Children in the early years are very busy. They play and work alongside each other well."


100% of parents who responded to the OFSTED Parent View Survey in November 2021 would recommend the school to another parent.

OFSTED Report following our inspection in November 2021.

Deddington Primary School Outstanding SIAMS Report
